Body Slimming Treatment
Reduce 5cm with Sculpt Plaster by using Gessotherapy. This technique is based on the occlusive, shaping, tensing properties of the plaster and instrument in anti-cellulite treatment. Enhanced by natural marine slimming ingredients to help detoxify, break down and burn fats deposit, increase blood circulation, reduce excessive fluids and prevent accumulation of body cellulite.
♦ Double Body Peel – It help to eliminate the dead cells leaving the skin soft, smooth and uniform.
♦ Anti-Cellulite Concentrate – Indicated for combating cellulitis and activating the process of the elimination of fatty nodules in different parts on the body.
♦ Thermo Active Cream – Increase in the temperature that in turn the microcirculation and prepares for optimum absorption of the main agents later applied.
♦ Exudation Mask (Body Base) – Induces an increase in sweating to activate the elimination of toxins and retained liquids.
♦ Sculpt Plaster (Body Wrap) – To achieve fast and surprising results due to the occlusive and reshaping action.
♦ Slim Effect Gel – Reduces the body volume and tones the skin by boosting the cellular metabolism to burn fat.